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4 ways custom ready-to-drink packaging improves brand visibility and consumer engagement

Custom drinks packaging 

Customised packaging makes ready-to-drink (RTD) products more than just items on a shelf or screen – they become shining stars in a crowded marketplace.

Standout designs capture consumer attention and make products irresistible. In fact, consumers are 110% more likely to add additional items to their baskets if a brand uses personalisation (BearingPoint) and, in the UK, 15% are willing to pay extra for that special touch (eCommerce Age).

When it comes to effective RTD packaging, it’s all about crafting a one-of-a-kind, memorable experience for consumers.

In this blog post, we uncover 4 compelling ways that customised drinks packaging can boost brand visibility and engage consumers like never before. Don't miss out on these powerful strategies to elevate your brand.

  1. Customised packaging steals the spotlight
  2. Interactive elements take consumer engagement to the next level
  3. Branded packaging creates share-worthy unboxing moments
  4. Consistent and branded RTD packaging helps boost product recognition

1. Customised drinks packaging steals the spotlight

By elevating packaging designs with unique visual elements, RTD brands can ensure their products stand out and leave a lasting impression. Customised packaging does more than just sell a drink – it tells a captivating brand story.

Custom printed packaging 

Eye-catching designs and distinctive structures grab attention on crowded shelves and screens, making your product the first one that consumers notice. After all, 31% of adults who buy alcohol are prompted to purchase due to a visual ‘wow factor’ (Mintel), showing the affect packaging can have on consumers’ purchasing decisions.

Creating personalised packaging helps brands to foster a deeper connection with consumers. Tailoring designs to reflect your brand's narrative or specific consumer preferences transforms a simple purchase into a meaningful experience.

Drink packaging 

This approach shows customers that you understand and value their unique tastes, enhancing brand loyalty and ensuring your brand remains memorable long after the purchase.

Take a look at Corrigan’s Original’s high-quality dynamic drinks packaging design, crafted to grab attention and boost consumer interest.

2. Interactive elements take consumer engagement to the next level

Imagine your RTD products not just being enjoyed but becoming the centrepiece of social interactions. Interactive packaging designs, for example, QR codes on delivery boxes, or the use of Augmented Reality, transforms the consumer experience from sipping a drink to sharing a memorable moment with friends and family.

QR code packaging design 

After all, 86% of consumers approve of brands using artificial intelligence in 2023 (Forbes). Interactive packaging invites consumers to snap and share photos on social media, showcasing their drink of choice and expanding your brand's reach.

This is important as a whopping 87% of people now use social platforms when shopping, with 55% of smartphone shoppers buying a product after seeing it on social media (Modern Retail).

Interactive features can also provide exclusive content, extra information, or special offers, helping to enhance consumer engagement.

For instance, with 31% of consumers interested in premium soft drinks offering functional benefits like mood-boosting ingredients (The Grocer), incorporating interactive packaging features that highlight these extras in a fun and seamless way can supercharge consumers’ experience with your brand, making it truly memorable.

Sustainable packaging box 

Plus, with 37% of Gen Z shoppers actively reading green messages on packaging (Packaging Europe), incorporating interactive elements is a fantastic way to highlight your sustainability credentials. This not only aligns your brand’s green values with those of your consumers but also helps create powerful and engaging brand stories.

3. Branded drinks packaging creates share-worthy unboxing moments

Did you know that 62% of unboxing video viewers watch because they’re planning to buy the product (Internet Retailing)? This shows just how important branded packaging is in influencing purchases.

Cocktail can packaging box 

When brands add unique touches - like limited edition designs or special promotions - they make the unboxing experience even more exciting and irresistible for consumers to share online. This organic sharing boosts brand awareness, helping your product stand out to a wider audience.

‘Instagrammable’ packaging ensures your product is visually stunning and share-worthy, naturally enhancing brand visibility as consumers post their beautifully packaged drinks online. By standing out and inviting interaction, your brand becomes an unforgettable part of consumers' stories.

Check out our Arrowtown case study to see how creative branded drinks packaging can make your product shine and captivate consumers.

4. Consistent and branded RTD packaging helps boost product recognition

With 32% of consumers saying that clear, consistent messaging is a requirement and not just a nice to have (Forbes), RTD packaging design can seriously impact sales. When brands nail a consistent and ‘on brand’ design, it helps consumers to spot products straight away, even in a sea of other drinks options.

72% of shoppers are swayed by a product's packaging design (Ipsos), so, a consistent packaging approach helps your product stand out without overwhelming buyers. It's like giving your drink a spotlight in a crowded room, perfect for those quick shopping decisions.

Picture your favourite drink decked out in packaging that screams 'pick me!'- it's more than a look; it's a vibe that consumers remember. From first glance to the last sip, consistent branded drinks packaging keeps customers coming back for more.

Packaging box with dividers 

Take a look at Edmunds Cocktails’ sleek packaging design that provides consumers with a clear and consistent message.

How can we help your drinks brand?

With our team of packaging pros, you can elevate your RTD packaging to new heights. Our experts will help you create eye-catching, planet-friendly beverage packaging that not only grabs consumers’ attention but also enhances supply chain efficiency and drives business success.

Imagine your products standing out on the shelves, captivating eco-conscious consumers, and streamlining your operations - all at the same time. Don't miss out on this opportunity to transform your packaging game.

Contact us today to discover how we can help you achieve these goals and more!